速報APP / 工具 / Instaloader - Instagram Photo/Video Down

Instaloader - Instagram Photo/Video Down





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




Instaloader - Instagram Photo/Video Downloader(圖1)-速報App

Ever happened that you found your favorite cat's photo on Instagram and you want to save that photo on your device but there is no option to download it? Taking screenshot is what you can do. But you felt it's very tedious process to do.

No more screenshots now because Instaloader is here.

Instaloader is an awesome application which enables you to download any photo/video from Instagram with just one click. You just need one click to get your loved one's photo/video on your device.

Special Features:

- One click Instagram photo/video download

Instaloader - Instagram Photo/Video Downloader(圖2)-速報App

- No need to login anywhere unlike other apps

- Simple and clean UI

- Very small size (< 2 MB)

- Start service once, use at anytime


Instagram is registered trademark of Facebook Inc.

Instaloader is not affiliated in any way with Instagram .

Instaloader can only download posts with public profile.